Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Runs

What a crappy week for running.

First, I had a tempo run scheduled for Thanksgiving morning... the same morning I was flying to West Virginia to visit family. I was late getting up, having slept until 4:00am, and only got half of my 6-mile run in before heading home to shower and head to the airport.

Then, I never made it to run Saturday morning because again I was late getting up and had to drive four hours to Columbus to catch my flight. Not that a run would have been a good idea... by the time I got to the airport I was puking and running a fever. And I puked on the flight.

On Sunday, my usual long run day, I was still sick so I just laid around the house and watched football.

Today I finally got my long run in, but all in all it was a very low week.

Total miles for the week: 12.59

This Monday's after-illness long run:

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